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Women in Prison

Though most individuals who are incarcerated will return to their communities, successful transitions are difficult. Data shows that many of the individuals who are released from confinement will recidivate and return to prison. The result of the high rates of recidivism can reduce public safety due to the new crimes being committed, increased costs, and poor long-term outcomes for individuals. The likelihood of successful transition can be improved with utilization of reentry programs and practices. Reentry programming, like Prison Pet Partnership, is designed to assist individuals transitioning back to our communities.

Research indicates one quarter of women released recidivise within six months, one third recidivise within one year, and two thirds recidivise five years post-release. PPP’s current data shows less than 3% of program participants have recidivised within three years of release in comparison to Washington State’s recidivism rate of 22.2%.


Often overlooked in the experiences of incarcerated women is a lived history of trauma, gender-based violence victimization, adverse mental health conditions, and systemic oppression - often worsened while incarcerated. Research and common experience show that women leave incarceration with fewer resources, greater stress, financial strain, and face greater challenges securing employment and housing. 

Join PPP's Advocacy Committee!

The Prison Pet Partnership Advocacy Committee’s primary role is to provide insight into and advocate for programming to remove or reduce barriers for successful reentry. 


  1. To serve as strategic advisors identifying barriers for former program participants to reenter the community and developing solutions to address the barriers

  2. To advocate and lobby for legislation that aligns with PPP’s mission, vision, and commitment

  3. To build relationships to secure foundation and state funding

A graphic with a faceless woman with long brown hair and a green shirt with the text "A woman's path is often rooted in a history of abuse an trauma. 75% of women in prison are survivors of intimate partner violence."
A graphic with the justice scales and text "High rates of recidivism (the act of reengaging in criminal behavior that results in being rearrested, reconvicted, or returned to custody within three years of release from prison or probation) means more crime, more victims and more pressure on an already overburdened criminal justice system. Studies indicate that reentry programming that includes job placement diminish the likelihood of recidivism.
Graphic with a business briefcase, dollar sign, house, two adults and 1 child with hearts, and an outline of a dog with text "Successful reintegration into the workforce translates into: housing, stable families, reduced taxpayer costs for reincarceration, living wages to support themselves and family, lowered recidivism rates"
Graphic with bar graph. On the left: Weekly earnings, year of release. The left yellow bar is lower with text on the top $269. The bottom text says formerly incarcerated.  The right orange bar is higher with text on the top $507 and text on the bottom says general population. 

The right side of the graphic: Weekly earnings 4 years post-release. The left yellow bar is lower with text on the top $464. On the bottom: Formerly Incarcerated. The right orange bar is higher with text at the top $555. Text on the bottom: General Population. The top of the graphic has text: "Formerly incarcerated individuals earn less than the general population."
Graphic has images of two faceless women. One is wearing a red dress and the other has a grey business suit over a red shirt and dark pants. The text says: "Formerly incarcerated women (especially women of color) have much higher rates of unemployment and homelessness, and are less likely to have a high school education, compared to formerly incarcerated men. 79% of women interviewed 30 days pre-release for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) study cited "employment, education, and life skills services" as their greatest area of need (followed closely by transition services)."
Graphic with 1 red color faceless, genderless, person icon and 2 white color faceless, genderless person icons with test: "Approximately 77 million Americans, or 1 in 3 adults, have a criminal record. 1.7 to 1.9 million lost workers when not permitting people with criminal records to fully reenter the workforce."


© 2024 by Prison Pet Partnership 

​​Call Us: 253-858-4240

P.O. Box 1998 Gig Harbor WA 98335

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