Sponsor a
Program Participant
Create a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday or any time to encourage your community to support PPP. Visit
Facebook Fundraiser to get started.
Learn more about how you can host fundraisers to support PPP's vital programming by clicking here.
Visit fredmeyer.com and enter NPO #85251 to link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to help Prison Pet Partnership earn a donation!
Download the app at wooftrax.com and when you walk your dog, start the app! Prison Pet Partnership receives a donation based on the miles walked with your dog!
Advocate for re-entry programming, animal welfare, and persons with disabilities by following local, state, and federal legislation and taking action. Get started now!
Foster a dog, teach skills to incarcerated individuals, join PPP's Speakers Bureau, attend tabling events and share PPP's mission with others. Join us today!
Do you have your own idea on how to support PPP? We would love to hear from you! Contact us at info@prisonpetpartnership.org.