Prison Pet Partnership provides a twelve-month Pet Care Technician certification program to incarcerated individuals at Washington Corrections Center for Women. Program participants (incarcerated individuals) must successfully complete three months of prerequisite classes before they are provided opportunity to meet learning objectives through IBPSA (International Boarding and Pet Services Association) as well as PCSA (Pet Care Services Association) through in-class and hands-on education. Classes are led by experienced Pet Care Technician Instructors. Students are Pet First Aid and CPR certified in quarter 1 prerequisite classes. Upon successful completion of the program, program participants are equipped with the knowledge and skills to access employment upon release at a boarding and daycare facility, basic dog training facility, or to start their own business or to pursue other careers related to the pet care industry.
The twelve-month program includes:
Dog Handler I
(AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator Certification)
Basic commands
Positive reinforcement
Pet Care Technician I
(IBPSA Pet Care Provider Certification)
Wide-ranging dog and cat breeds
Deeper understanding of dog and cat physiology
Dog and cat behaviors in a boarding environment
Dog and cat feeding procedures in a boarding environment
Basic dog and cat health checks
Kennel cleaning procedures
Safe handling procedures
Basic emergencies
Pet Care Technician II
(IBPSA Pet Care Specialist Certification + IPG Pet First-Aid Certification + American Red Cross Pet First Aid Certification)
Business-related operations and etiquette to include intake policies and procedures, records-keeping, data tracking, and customer service skills
Special breeds
Geriatric animals and animals with disabilities
Common medical issues
Common medications and medicine application
Medical emergencies and applying first aid