Make a Difference
Through sponsorship, corporations and local businesses, in line with their missions, have opportunity to support reentry programming for incarcerated individuals, provide service dog training, and contribute to the independence of persons with disabilities. Sponsorship directly impacts the lives of those we serve and assists the humans and animals in PPP programming to achieve their greatest potential.
Sponsor a Program Participant
Program Participants (Incarcerated Individuals) attend in-class and hands-on vocational education programming to earn certification as pet care technicians, groomers, dog trainers, and veterinary assistants. PPP graduates continue to access reentry services upon release.
Pet Care Technician certification is a 12-month program.
Master Groomer certification is a 2-year program.
Dog Handler IV (Service Dog Trainer) certification is a 4-year program.
Approximately $20,000 provides the necessary materials, instruction, and reentry support to the certification for a program participant.
Sponsor a Service Dog in Training
PPP identifies purpose-bred dogs or dogs in shelters to receive training as service, facility, or therapy dogs.
Service dogs are trained to assist with mobility, seizure response, or combat-related PTSD.
Facility dogs are trained to assist in residential settings.
Therapy dogs are trained to provide support to children in hospitals, domestic violence survivors in court, and seniors in assisted living facilities.
According to ADI, approximately $20,000 provides the necessary materials, food, veterinary care, and training to support the certification of a service dog.
Voc Ed Sponsor
Sponsorship of a program participant provides:
Textbooks, state-certified curriculum, exam materials and fees, and fees associated with accredited instructors
Pet handling equipment
Grooming equipment
Work uniform stipend
Reentry support and advocacy
Job placement assistance, resume writing, and interview practice
Sponsors receive:
Electronic voc ed updates
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 1 year
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 6 community tabling events
10 social media plugs
Certification Sponsor
Sponsorship of a dog provides:
Full Training and Certification
Red Vest (Symbolizing Certified Service Dog)
Puppy/Dog care equipment
Veterinary Care to include vaccinations, wellness exams, and treatment
Sponsors receive:
Your name, company name, or logo on a patch for a puppy/dog's vest displayed during socialization training out in the community
Electronic "pupdates" or "dogtales" and photos of the puppy/dog
Invitation to graduation and special recognition
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 1 year
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 6 community tabling events
10 social media plugs
Reentry Sponsor
Sponsorship of a program participant provides:
Continuing Education
Work uniform stipend
Pet handling equipment
Grooming equipment
Reentry support and advocacy
Job placement assistance, resume writing, and interview practice
Sponsors receive:
Electronic voc ed updates
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 6 months
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 3 community tabling events
5 social media plugs
Service Sponsor
Sponsorship of a dog provides:
Training (for 1 year)
Yellow Vest (Symbolizing Level II Service Dog in Training)
Puppy/Dog care equipment
Sponsors receive:
Electronic "pupdates" or "dogtales" and photos of the puppy/dog
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 6 months
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 3 community tabling events
5 social media plugs
Graduate Sponsor
Sponsorship of a program participant provides:
Exam materials
Pet handling equipment
Grooming tools
Sponsors receive:
Electronic voc ed updates
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 3 months
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 1 community tabling event
2 social media plugs
Training Sponsor
Sponsorship of a dog provides:
Training (for 6 months)
Green Vest (Symbolizing Level I Service Dog in Training)
Sponsors receive:
Electronic "pupdates" or "dogtales" and photos of the puppy/dog
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo on PPP's website for 3 months
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
Your swag distributed at 1 community tabling event
2 social media plugs
Student Sponsor
Sponsorship of a program participant provides:
Textbooks and state-certified curriculum
Sponsors receive:
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
1 social media plug
Veterinary Sponsor
Sponsorship of a dog provides:
Veterinary Care to include vaccinations, wellness exams, and treatment
Sponsors receive:
Special recognition at graduation
Your name or company logo in graduation program
Your name or company logo in PPP's Annual Report
1 social media plug